By offering up their time, their resources, and/or their financial assistance, our supporters ensure that we can continue to provide essential needs.
To all of them, thank you for making our mission possible!
Our corporate sponsors are a vital part of our LCS community. Not only do they assist us financially, they provide us with their connections and resources to support our programs
Our Service Partners are organizations who provide us with the support we need to run our programs, and are heavily engaged in the success of our operations. Whether reimbursing us for program expenditures and administrative costs, providing expertise, goods, or volunteers, their support gives us the ability to address a wider array of challenges on behalf of our clients.
We receive a huge amount of support from individuals across Delaware. We are always inspired by their generosity.
The Helping Others Circle (HOC) are among our most committed stakeholders.They pledge yearly gifts to our organization that provide stability to our budget. If you would like to become a member of the HOC, and give a Gift of Faith ($1,000 for 5 years), a Gift of Hope, ($5,000 for 5 years), or a Gift of Love ($10,000 for 5 years).
Local churches and religious organizations provide invaluable support to our operations. Some host our food pantries, some provide us with volunteers or financial donations, and some organize food drives and community gardens to help keep our shelves stocked. And some do all 3 and more!
We enjoy the support of a number of foundations who have provided funding for our programs, capital needs, and general operating support.
We are fortunate that we can rely on a wide array of local community organizations to assist us.
LCS runs on Volunteers! Whether it’s helping run our pantries, serving on our Board and event committees, providing expertise and administrative assistance, tending our gardens, and a host of other critical roles, we couldn’t create success without them! If you would like to Volunteer, get started today!
We sat down with former LCS Board President, Barb King, to discuss her time on the board, her experi...
We are happy to welcome everyone to the 2024 Walktoberfest at Concordia Lutheran Church on September...
LCS was there for our community this year as families faced financial, food, and health insecurity. ...
Need assistance? Contact us and we will help get you started.
With your support, LCS can continue helping provide essential services to community members.