LCS Community

staff & board

Meet Our Team

Ayesha Bailey

Health Program Outreach Manager

302-654-8886 ext. 105

abaily (at) rvohealth (dot) com

Outreaches to the community about our Smoking Cessation program and connects them to quit assist resources. In a contest to out-smile her smiley face, rainbow ball. Smart money’s on her.

Rob Gurnee

Executive Director

302-654-8886 ext. 101

rgurnee (at) lcsde (dot) org

Oversees our organization’s finances, programs, and staff. Was bored doing two jobs here so took a third. Definitely not a wizard.

Stephanie Hall

Referrals Coordinator

302-654-8886 ext. 100

shall (at) lcsde (dot) org

Assists with incoming clients seeking assistance from LCS and manages our Unite Delaware page. In a spy movie, would be the one in the chair doing the actual work.

Romie Lutz

Health Provider Outreach Coordinator


rlutz (at) rvohealth (dot) com

Reaches out to local organizations and providers about our smoking cessation program. Out reaching, outrageous, outgoing, and out-there.

Heather Mackson

Program Director

302-654-8886 ext. 104

hmackson (at) lcsde (dot) org

Guru of our programs makes sure that all of our efforts are directed where they do the most good. Equally likely to fight FOR you, as fight WITH you.

Alex Mazzei

Marketing Manager

302-654-8886 ext. 109

amazzei (at) lcsde (dot) org

Manages our marketing, fundraising events, donations, and social media pages.  Basically scrolls Facebook for a living.

Amanda Millard

Marketing Coordinator

302-654-8886 ext. 107

amillard (at) lcsde (dot) org

Logistics Wizard, and Outreach/Development Maestro. A spreadsheet superstar who speaks fluent emoji— and yes, she's actually paid for it! When it's time for a break, she doesn't just chase storms; she vacations in the eye of the hurricane.

Atayla Porter

Community Food Coordinator

302-654-8886 ext. 103

aporter (at) lcsde (dot) org

Supports the Delaware Food Farmacy and helps keep our pantry shelves stocked. Has the grit to make stuff happen, whatever that stuff happens to be.


Jean M. Washington

Assistant Program Director

302-654-8886 ext. 110

jwashington (at) lcsde (dot) org

Helps to run our programs and guides clients through our processes. Enough of a queen to ground other people’s kids.

Jennifer Williams

Food Distribution Coordinator

302-654-8886 ext. 111

jwilliams (at) lcsde (dot) org

Organizes our Food Pantry and assists with the Food Farmacy. Energy in search of a direction. Or a protein shake.

Morgan S. Williams

Homelessness Prevention Specialist

302-654-8886 ext. 108

mwilliams (at) lcsde (dot) org

Helps run our Homelessness Prevention program and secures checks to our clients. A modern day superhero if the villian was paperwork.

Board Members

President John Auger
Vice-President Bill Brizendine
Treasurer Michelle Perdew
Secretary Anne Pilson
  Kristie Augenblick
  Katherine Fry
  Sara Gillespie
  Greg Landrey
  Shirley Saunders
  Brandon Shields
  David Warner

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