Lutheran Community Services

LCS helps individuals and families address food, housing, and other essential needs with dignity and respect. LCS has been serving low-income families in Wilmington and New Castle County, Delaware since 1959. Below are services that we provide for our community.

Telling Their Stories

From Emergency to Empowerment, learn what's new in our community!

2024 Year in Review

LCS has a long history of innovating and adapting to the dynamic needs of our clients. That continued in 2024, with exciting program & organizational growth!

Thank You to Barb King

We sat down with former LCS Board President, Barb King, to discuss her time on the board, her experiences with LCS, and her vision of where LCS is going next!

2024 Annual Appeal

In our 2024 Annual Appeal, we highlight progress made towards building the Food Hub, emphasizing its future role in addressing nutrition insecurity in Delaware.


If You Would Like to Support Us

1 in 0
Children in Delaware are Food Insecure
The poverty rate in Wilmington
In health costs for smokers every year.

Amount of financial assistance provided for rent, mortgage, utilities, and security
deposits in 2023


Number of people served in our food pantries in 2023


Number of medically tailored meals delivered through the Delaware Food Farmacy since inception


Annual savings for a pack a day smoker who quits

We are grateful for the spirit that persists.

Thank you to all of our supporters

The work done at LCS cannot be done alone. LCS depends on our large network of volunteers, donors, and supporters who help our mission and have a heart to serve. We are grateful to everyone that is a part of the LCS community. Thank you!

See the supporters who make our work possible.

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