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Being Involved is Good for the Soul

Published on 05/13/2022
Barbara King

LCS Board President 2022-2024

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40 NRSV)

This brief and familiar statement, followed a bit later by its opposite, is part of Jesus’ description of the Last Judgment, the one about the sheep being separated from the goats.  For me, it encapsulates the Gospel in one sentence, and provides the guiding principle at the core of our Christian faith. It’s why we do what we do at LCS: helping out with its programs gives us the ability to alleviate the suffering of those who need food, shelter, and wellness as we join in this partnership of caring. Being involved is good for the soul, and I suspect those who are drawn to this work find the same sense of meaning and purpose. 

As I conclude my term as President of the Board of Trustees, reflecting on  the work of this agency during two years of pandemic, given all the difficulties we have faced, there is much to celebrate.

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LCS has been tried and tested, adjusting and scrambling in order to keep ourselves and our clients safe while providing the services so badly needed. Despite this and so much more, the true colors of this amazing agency shone through at every turn.

With God’s help, we not only survived, we thrived, meeting the challenges head-on and getting the job done, adapting, innovating, and delivering.

We developed new programs, sustained our existing commitments, and now see the expansion of staff and outreach as we build upon decades of service to address the needs of our clients with compassion, dignity, and respect.


I am so grateful for the energy, the focus, the grace and goodwill l have witnessed from Rob and his staff, our volunteers, and the Board of Trustees. It has been all hands on deck, and I continue to be inspired by the generosity of spirit and firm resolve to accomplish this work that makes us all better human beings.

For me, the operative word is commitment: the commitment to our clients, the commitment to this agency, the commitment to make this little slice of God’s great world a better place. In the midst of the worst, we have found the best, and I am so grateful. As I step down as President, I look forward to new and different ways of participating in this wonderful work and will watch with great anticipation to see how the next few years unfold.

God bless LCS, and all the wonderful folk who make up this great community: staff, volunteers, clients, and so many others who support us. What a great privilege and opportunity it has been to be part of this important work.

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